Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Holidays & New Beginnings

Sorry it has taken me so long to post again. The holidays consumed me for the past two weeks plus some.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Kylie had an amazing Christmas, getting more presents than she knows what to do with them.  Her favorite gift seems to be the Nerf gun her Papa just had to get her. Any time she can attack mommy with a toy she is all for it.  How can I forget about all the Justin Bieber gifts she received, please help me get away from this Bieber Fever madness!

The funniest highlight of the Christmas season had to have been when Kylie played sick at school, so she didn't have to go see Santa at the mall with her class. We found out this year that she was not a fan of Santa in person. Loves reading about him in books, as well as, seeing him on TV, but a no go in person. This new finding lead to me having to leave work early, pick her up from school, and take her home to find out it was all a plan of hers.  Once we are at home she starts smiling and says to me,"Ha I don't have to go see Santa now!" Oh my was I not a happy camper about this, but of course I had to go in the other room and start laughing.  She is so smart and definitely knows how to take advantage of certain situations.

The picture below is Kylie playing with my hat, and it's obvious she has been watching too much Bieber or MTV.  She has the hat and pose to prove it.

We are very excited for the new year and all that it will hold for us.  Kylie is going to be doing big things and showing the world that anything is possible.  Having Down syndrome is not a disease but an amazing trait that is part of her. She is going to show the world she is a superstar, and can do anything she wants. Kylie really loves being in front of the camera weather it's for pictures or me recording her. Kylie tells me she is going to be in movies and in magazines.  Keep a look out and someday you all just might see Smiley Kylie on the big screen, or in People Magazine.

I am also excited to share that Kylie and I will be volunteering at a couple Retirement/Assisted Living homes around town.  I can't wait to see Kylie interact with the residents and to see the smiles on their faces. I thought this would be a great idea, because Kylie was so close to her Great Grandma who sadly passed away a little over a year ago.  She loves to interact with the elderly and thought she would have some fun playing Wii with them all.  I found out a lot of the homes have Wii's for the residents to play since they are so fun and easy for them. How can I forget that I am especially excited to spend some time there as well.  It saddens me to think that many of them never have visitors, and often just feel alone. I will keep you all updated on how our time volunteering goes.

I am going to leave you all with two pictures of her being a little fashionista in her new hat.

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