Monday, January 23, 2012

Dates, Cops, and Red Solo Cup

Peek-A-Boo I am back! Yes, I may have been in hiding for a bit, or just have been busy and slacking.  No worries I am back, and ready to keep this blog going. I am sorry for the long wait, and like I said before will get better at posting more often.

We have been very busy the past couple weeks.  Kylie was invited to a couple birthday parties which she was so excited to be a part of.  One of them had us eating at a Japanese Steakhouse, where they let Kylie wear the birthday mask for fun. As you can see in the picture below. She is very Happy Happy!

Kylie's new thing is wanting to go on "Dates" as she calls it.  She hears dates a lot in the movies and on TV, so now she is determined on having her own.  She gets super excited when she knows she is going to see her friend Tillman. I believe he is three years old,  she likes the younger ones.  Kylie makes sure I understand that it's a date when they are together.  They were eating cookies at the table, and  holding hands.  Oh man, and it starts.  She was super smiley , like when I see Vin Diesel shirtless.  Whoops too much information on that one :-) .

Kids are so funny these days, especially with the things they say.  Kylie is not a big fan of being told no, or that she can't do certain things.  I am being told often that she is going to call the cops on me.  Then when I tell her to go ahead, and that they will take her instead to their timeout room.  She giggles and says," I'm just kiddin Mom!" 

Kylie has a new favorite song, "Red Solo Cup." That girl belts it out as loud as she can.  What even makes it better is when she has a drink in the car, and she holds it up in the air singing. Now where in the world does she know to do that. Oh, wait I better look in the mirror huh! I plan on video taping her singing to it, as well as, making sure she has a Yoo Hoo in hand.

We are excited for this Saturday, because it will be our first day volunteering at the retirement home.  Kylie and I get to call their bingo game.  I can only hope Kylie is on her best behavior, and not tell anyone they smell, ask to pull their teeth out, take their walker or cane away to play with, or do her booty shake dance moves.  I can't wait to see how she interacts with all of the residents.

Until next time, and sooner than later at that! We will hopefully have a good story about the retirement home.  I also hope to post some dance videos of Kylie soon. Micheal Jackson, LMFAO, Red Solo Cup, and much more.  To be continued.........

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