Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bingo, Fashionista, Holding Her Own, Lock Outs...

Hello all!! Sorry for the long wait again.  Apparently I am quite the slacker when it comes to this blog.  I always have constant entertainment to write about Kylie.  I just procrastinate when it comes to sharing it with you all.  So this will be a long post to make up for the lost time.

We had our first day of volunteering at the retirement home January 28.  I called their afternoon Bingo game.  Kylie was all pumped to go, but when we got there she became quite shy.  She did however give some great facial expressions to the residents when they were trying to talk to her.  It was funny because I would catch her mocking me, as I was calling out the number.  We plan on helping out again, hopefully next time she will be more comfortable and let her charm out.

Kylie has become quite the fashionista lately.  She prefers to pick out her outfits and what she will be wearing to school.  The other day she picked a very fun and stylish outfit.  I have posted a pic of it below.  Bieber shirt, sparkle skirt, and high tops, she was definitely rockin it!

Took Kylie and friends to a indoor entertainment center that has several moonwalks (bouncy houses) in it.  Kylie was in one of them trying to play, and a little brat of a boy started to pick on her. I tried not to be the overprotective mom, and stood back and watched.  I knew Kylie wouldn't put up with crap and she ended up clotheslining the boy when he came around the side of the moonwalk.  I was so proud of her that I ran up and high-five her.  That may not have been the appropriate thing to do, but  I was dang proud she held her own. She has her mommy's competitiveness and Bubba personality. Don't mess with us!

Ornery Kylie was at it again this past Friday morning.  We always go through the garage in the morning to get her on the bus.  As we were headed out to the bus Kylie pulled a quick one on me. I didn't realize it till I went to get back in the house and couldn't. That sneaking little stinker locked the door behind her.  I could just picture her face on the way to school with a Dr.Evil grin and giggle.  Let's just say the Wii was taken away for the weekend, because Mommy ended up being an hour and a half late to work by the time I got back in the house.

I got a new shirt that I love to wear proudly and will show a picture below. The videos are not uploading very well.  I think I am just going to start a YouTube page with her videos.  I will keep you updated when I get those up!

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