Sunday, December 11, 2011


Welcome to our world and new blog! This blog is dedicated to my hero and daughter Kylie.  Meet Kylie a sweet, funny, and entertaining seven year old who is full of charm way beyond her years. To add to Kylie's unique characteristics she just so happens to have Down syndrome.

In her seven years she has taught me more than words could explain.  By popular request from family and friends I have started this blog for them, as well as, wanting to share my experience and journey of raising a child with Down syndrome to others. 

Please be patient with me, as I am learning the odds and ends of blogging.  I hope to catch on quickly and have this blog up and running like a pro.  Thank you for stopping by, and will leave you with a picture of Kylie in her Halloween costume.  She loves herself some Michael Jackson especially Thriller! This picture just shows how funny she can be!

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