Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Fever & Chocoholic

Sorry I am a little behind on writing this past week.  I had been busy getting ready for the holidays.  The slacker mom I am had to do a lot of last minute Christmas shopping.  I tell myself every year I will start buying presents six months in advanced. As usual I started late and had to cram in the shopping, like I did with my final exams.  I promise I will get better at writing every couple of days.

I have some bad news about Kylie. She was recently diagnosed with Bieber Fever. I know...I know, It's  very sad to hear.  She was given the Bieber Vaccine by me, as well as, all precautions in keeping her safe from it. I apparently failed as Dr. Mom, but I have had fun giving her the prescriptions of Bieber gifts.  The smile and joy on her face when she receives them is priceless and well worth the heartache. As you can see below nothing gets better than the look on her face!

Kylie has also decided to do something about her chocolate shake addiction.  She has come clean about being a Chocoholic!  Her guilty pleasure and mom's favorite bribe has become chocolate shakes. I just had to share the picture below.

Kylie and I had a blast getting our Christmas pictures done.  I ordered us two elf outfits to wear for them, which Kylie was more than excited to wear.  She is a big goofball like her mother.  I had a fun idea to be tied up in Christmas lights, my mouth duct taped, and Kylie standing there with her usual evil and ornery grin.  We had them done at Sears by a friend of mine, but  I did not pay extra for the cd, so hope you don't mind the copyright in the background of the pictures. 

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!  Kylie and I had a wonderful time with family and friends.  Kylie got all the presents she has asked for, except for the puppy.  Right now a puppy is a possibility in the future.  She wants to name her puppy Cletus or Big Foot, but I am going to work on some other names :-) .  I will work on getting another post up in a couple days.  We wish you all a Happy New Year if we don't get back to you before. I will leave you with the picture of Kylie and the shirt that fit her perfect this Christmas season, "Dear Santa, Define Good."

Friday, December 16, 2011

Comedic Child

I am several days behind, but on Wednesday  Kylie's comedic chops came out in full force. To start our morning off right we usually do some dancing to get motivated for the school/work day.  Kylie's favorite song happened to be playing, "I'm Sexy and I Know It," which I playfully danced along to. Within a minute Kylie says to me, "That's not sexy and you know it."  I was speechless and couldn't stop laughing all at once. Nothing like a good laugh during the middle of the week right before work.

Apparently the comedic performance in the morning wasn't enough for Miss Kylie.  When I get home from work I see her teacher has wrote a few notes down on Kylie's take home sheet. What I was about to read next shocked me and gave me quite the curious giggle. Kylie had got in trouble for calling one of her paras a "Crack Head."  Wow, another moment of me being speechless, tends to be a pattern in my life with her.  Kids truly do say the darnest things, as well as, keeping you wondering where in the world they picked them up.

To finish out our evening we took a trip to Target for some last minute Christmas picture shopping.  While browsing the aisles we came across a halo headband.  I couldn't resist and told Kylie she needed to wear it around Target to make up for her mischief during the day.  Below are some wonderful pictures where she wanted to show she is truly an angel. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Welcome to our world and new blog! This blog is dedicated to my hero and daughter Kylie.  Meet Kylie a sweet, funny, and entertaining seven year old who is full of charm way beyond her years. To add to Kylie's unique characteristics she just so happens to have Down syndrome.

In her seven years she has taught me more than words could explain.  By popular request from family and friends I have started this blog for them, as well as, wanting to share my experience and journey of raising a child with Down syndrome to others. 

Please be patient with me, as I am learning the odds and ends of blogging.  I hope to catch on quickly and have this blog up and running like a pro.  Thank you for stopping by, and will leave you with a picture of Kylie in her Halloween costume.  She loves herself some Michael Jackson especially Thriller! This picture just shows how funny she can be!