Monday, March 5, 2012

I officially have to be the WORST blogger! To all of the blogger's out there that keep up with their blogs, I bow down to you.  I am also the worst pinkie promise person, because I have promised to keep up with this and have slacked.  To make up for it there will be extra pictures of Kylie with this blog. 

February was a busy month, especially with it being Uncle Jeffie's birthday month.  For those of you that visit this blog and may not know.  My brother passed away four years ago.  Every year around his birthday we put together a memorial poker tournament in his name, and we pick a local charity that the proceeds raised will help support.  This year we choose to support Hope for Hannah.  We also as a family go eat at Buffalo Wild Wings due to this being his favorite restaurant.  Kylie loves going there and eating.  Her uncle Jeff loved to eat wings and play the video trivia games.  Kylie took it in to make sure she got the entire table to cheers to Jeff.  She held her drink up and had us all clink our glasses together, it was too cute.  I also had to put $20 in the video game machine for her to play games for Uncle Jeffie. We have always made sure to show her pictures and talk about him over the years, to help her remember him.  The love she has for him is amazing, especially since he passed away when she was just three years old. A love like this is heart warming and more than words can express.  I know he is her own personal guardian angel.

I started taking some cardio boxing classes, that I just love.  Kylie came to watch me workout the other day, and she was pumped. We all know she can be feisty and ornery.  This was like her own personal dream.  She loves putting on her boxing gloves at home and punch her little punching bag.  So being in a real boxing gym she was stoked! She hopped in the ring and was pointing to the trainer, a fighter, and friend I work out with saying, "I want to fight you." During this pointing and talk about fight she has her gloves on pounding them against each other.  She doesn't mess around! I don't have to worry about her not being able to hold her own as she grows up.

This other picture is at the movie theater.  She saw the giant punching bag and was excited.  She had to take a picture with the Three Stooges.  Think it reminded her of our family :-)

Kylie loves mustaches and being silly.  Below is a picture of her imitating her Papa! Too funny!

Lastly, Kylie is gaga over Bieber still.  Do they have a support group for this yet?  I seriously should start one for all of these Bieber Fever children.  Kylie now finds pictures of him and kisses them.  I almost fainted, the boy crazy antic have started.  She has also named her penguin Bieber. 

 By the way I am not trying to make this a perfect English grammar and flowing blog.  I usually get to do this at midnight and not all here :-)  Please bare with me and any errors. Thanks!! :-)